Weekly $ Checkup

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Vacation last weekend…Take me back!

I originally saw this idea on Budget or Fudgets blog ( so glad she’s back!) and since I was playing with the idea of doing weekly reviews to keep myself accountable, as well as share what’s going on in my life more, so here’s my first ( of possibly many) weekly $ checkups!

  1. The most I’ve spent this last week was – Gas, surprisingly!
  2. Today I am thankful that I got to celebrate my boyfriend’s birthday with him and that I was able to successfully launch my GoFundMe campaign! As of writing this, I am almost to $1,000 towards my goal!
  3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free thing I did last week that made me happy was hanging out with my boyfriend on the couch and watching Breaking Bad. Sure, I pay for internet but I’ll still consider this free. Also, is anyone else addicted to Walter White going down mayday?
  4. I will consider this week a success if I hit $1,00 officially towards my goal and finish two papers that are due next week.
  5. If I had today off I would spring clean my apartment! I haven’t had anytime and traveled last week so I’ve been dying to get it together.

This past week has been busy! My boyfriend and I spent the past weekend with his family in California for their annual family vacation. I had such a great time and loved getting to know them even more. I also was able to spend my birthdays boyfriend with him which made me happy. It’s hard getting to celebrate all the holidays and special days when in a long distance relationship so I’m happy we got to spend it together.

This weekend I’ll be laying low and staying in. I plan on spring cleaning my apartment, finishing two papers that are due next week for school and cuddling with my cat. If you have a minute, please check out my GoFundMe campaign, it would mean a lot to me if you could donate and share. Every little bit helps!

1 Comment

  • L.
    Posted March 13, 2015 5:36 am 0Likes

    Breaking Bad! On the list of things I need to finally watch! Sounds like you had a good week 🙂

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